Data Arc

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Created Summer 1996

This is one of five illustrations I made for a Japanese book about the uses of email, and how it relates specifically to the medical profession. The specifications were very loose as to what to draw, other than "something that has to do with email," so I went all out, anthropomorphizing email as little birdies and such -- hey, why not?! (:

It was the first time I had ever used Illustrator whatsoever, so it was fun learning on the fly! Deke McClelland's The Illustrator 6 Book was a great help, and very readable, even if I was using a book one version newer than the application I had! The book is for whatever reason called Real World Illustrator now. A good book!

Adobe Illustrator 5.5J
These are the other four illustrations in the series: (If you click on a thumbnail the full image will open in this window)
Open my Gallery Page in this window